Rock In Solo 2011 : Martin Schönherr Keluar dari Deranged
Ada sedikit kabar buruk dari Deranged. Vokalis mereka, Martin Schönherr, telah menyatakan keluar dari Deranged karena alasan pribadi.
Band dari Swedia ini tetap inigin tampil di acara Rock In Solo 2011 nanti pada 17/9/2011.
Band ini juga angkat bicara :
"Due to Martins sudden decision to leave Deranged, the band will perform as a trio (like on the Russian tour recently) on Rock In Solo"
"Real hard efforts have been put in to convince Martin to join to Solo to do a last gig, but due to “principal reasons”, he refuses to join"
"On the behalf of the band, we really apologize for this inconvenience that occurs due to this and we wish that things could be changed."
"Nevertheless, Deranged will come to Solo and deliver a killershow as promised, and we´ll hope that no one will be disappointed!"
Walaupun sudah di bujuk Martin Schönherr tetap tidak mau ikut bersama Deranged di Rock In Solo 2011.
Tetapi Deranged berjanji akan tampil maksimal agar tidak ada yang merasa kecewa.