Konser Hardcore Alesana dengan panggung ala kadarnya tapi tetep keren
Haha... sekarang saya cuman mau bagi cerita aja. Grup band post-hardcore Alesana yang sangat terkenal itu lho... pertama kali liat video yang judulnya ambrosia ( live ) mau bikin ketawa aja. Kirain tuh ada acara dandutan di kampung ato jamuan tamu acara sunatan. Eee... ga tau nya konser teriak-teriakan. Nampak sekali tuh Dennis Lee cs kayak ga punya moral sama sekali, berantakan banget. pokoknya kayak gini deh :
Lirik lagu alesana - ambrosia
A touch of poison seals my fate
the dawn echoes the night with my glory...the sun himself honors me
once king of roses, now lord of gold
the Gods themselves envy my hand
blessed with the gift of gilded touch
fate wields its knife to cut the thread
I curse the day my dream became my descent
suddenly I long for you, my only love
in my perfection I have no want
yet eyes still glint with greed untold
a folly as fatal as sin has now become the end of me
I curse the day my dream became my descent
suddenly I long for you, my only love
have I not earned this, the gift of beauty within?
how selfish were the Gods to keep their riches from my rightful treasure?
I truly have become one of them...my fatal flaw
oh yeah! Ive got her hook, line, and sinker!
thanks to me, shes her own new necklace!
now shes good as gold!
I curse the day my dream became my descent
suddenly I long for you, my only love